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  MORNINGSIDE  Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road

Evansville, Indiana 47715


Entry at Morningside Church Evansville, IN
       Services & Studies


Weekly services & educational studies:


Adult Sunday School at 9:00 AM


Children's Sunday School at 9:00 AM


Sunday Fellowship (with coffee and donuts) for visitors and members at 9:50AM in the Fellowship Hall

Sunday Worship Service at 10:15 AM


Children's Church follows the Children's Message during the Sunday Worship Service

Wednesday evening Bible Study is 6:00 PM


 Loving, Caring and Sharing ...
A church family working together in humble service to God



Welcome, and thank you for visiting Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and learning opportunities available.  Please feel free to read more about our church on this site or come in for a visit.  We would love to meet you and help you learn more about our church and members.

            Our Mission


Is to know Jesus, to make Him known to others, and to serve Him faithfully.

We believe that the door to salvation is always open and so are the doors to our church. Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by opening our arms to those in search of the truth. We show God’s love and concern for our fellow man at every opportunity. Through works of charity and opening our doors to listen and love, we feel that we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.

Baptisms & Weddings


Morningside Church offers a beautiful setting for your most sacred celebration.

We invite you to join our mailing list for our regular newsletter that is sent out with the monthly calendars, plans and general information about church activities.

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Our Pastor


Brother James Messer is a retired career Army Veteran of 20 years and Army Chaplain  who was stationed overseas during Desert Storm. Brother James is a graduate of Bethel University and Vanderbilt Seminary.


The Pastor's Message

We have a Christian responsibility to reach out to the world, witnessing to those in turmoil about our Father in heaven. He can give us peace and comfort (1 Peter 5:6-7). He can provide guidance for dealing with our problems (Proverbs 3:5-6). He offers salvation and forgiveness for our sins (Romans 10:9-10) and He offers unconditional love (John 3:16). If we would but open our hearts fully to God and to each other, what a very different place this world would be! We have heard the scripture from Matthew 25:35-40 that tells us whoever ministers to those that are hungry, thirsty, homeless, sick, or in prison is ministering to the Lord Himself. The same is true when someone is hurting, confused, and troubled. They don’t need to be lectured, they need to hear that there is a God that loves them. He sent His Son Jesus to redeem them. People will respond to the kind actions of those who believe, if they are convinced we truly care. So, as we enjoy the wonder and beauty of the changing seasons, don’t forget to share the refreshing love of God our Father through Jesus Christ, His precious Son, when we see a need for surely, Christ has born our stripes and carried the sorrows of us all.

Janet & Pastor James Messer
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